Sunday 22 November 2009

soleil x 2

(1) i think about the future too much - how to make a meaningful difference in the world, how to balance relationships with travelling, how to find true love (i'm a sap i know)

it's time to stop thinking so much and start having fun! hedonistic lifestyle of drugs, alcohol, and women here i come. just kidding. maybe. there's no sense in letting abstract thoughts get in the way of present happiness, right?


I don't know a whole lot about multiple sclerosis (MS), but from what i understand it is an autoimmune neurodegenerative disease that can be dreadfully difficult to treat. enter a scientist who wants to find a cure for his wife. this fellow finds that MS is strongly correlated with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency, essentially making it a vascular disease and begins treating it accordingly - by dealing with strictures (narrowings) in patients' jugular veins. the results are apparently astoundingly positive! much more research needs to be done, but it's nice when you hear about a medical breakthrough that maybe, just maybe dramatically improve outcomes for many people