Tuesday 24 November 2009


religion is a strange creature. there are parts that are so appealing, so enlightening, so divine and then there are parts that are so ???

i often feel that my ideas are balanced between opposing influences - rational vs. faith-based thinking, christian friends vs. non-christian friends (this means associated differences in lifestyle), church vs. scientific establishment. i just realized that in comparing the 'religious' vs. the 'scientific' ideas, the diction intrinsically favors the latter - food for thought for another day.

so, if i could ask God to clarify a few things, this is what my list would look like:

1. why is there a hell? and related to this - why do religions often think that everyone not of their own faith are going to that rather unpleasant place?

2. what's with the prohibition on sex - very rarely is there an exchange that leaves both parties rather (intensely) satisfied?

3. why is there always some killing/smiting/general violence going down?

4. why does God want us, amazingly insignifcant little humans, to glorify him and worship him?

now, don't get me wrong - i think religion can be a very good thing. in fact, i am christian and i think it is absolutely wonderful. but being christian doesn't mean i shut off parts of my brain (a common criticism leveled against those of the faith, i think) and so the questions remain...

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